This section presents some publications referencing Marvin Projectº.


"Machine Learning: A Quantitative Approach" by Henry H Liu (2018). Appendix C. Full Book (Amazon)

"Kinect Open Source Programming Secret" by Andrew Davison (2012). Additional Chapter: Kinect Chapter 2.5. Transforming the User.

PhD Thesis

"Measuring and Enhancing theContrast and Quality ofDigital Images", Simone, G. (2016). University of Oslo.

Master Thesis

"Progressive Web Camera Application using OpenCV WebAssembly Module", Zhuravleva, A. (2020). Aalto University.

"Lifelog Sharing System based onContext Matching", Zhang, J. (2018). Waseda University.

"ITG - Tangible Geometry for the Visually Impaired", Ruhmann, L. M. (2016). Linnaeus University.

"Kooperative Vorhersage der minimalen Anwendungsausführungszeit", Kuhn, J. (2016). University of Stuttgart.

"Generating Members of a Software Product Line Using Combinatory Logic", Hoxha, A. (2015). Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

"Virtual LSD, een immersieve audiovisuele ervaring", Wauters, R. (2012). University of Leuven.


"Website Categorization: a Formal Approachand Robustness Analysisin the case of E-commerce Detection", Bruni, R., Bianchi, G. Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier (2020).

"Lifelog Sharing System based on Context Matching", Bruni, R., Bianchi, G. The Twelfth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interacti (2018).

"Robustness Analysis of a Website CategorizationProcedure based on Machine Learning", Bruni, R., Bianchi, G. Universit`a di Roma. (2018)

"Do-It-Yourself" reliable pH-stat device by using open-source software, inexpensive hardware and available laboratory equipment", Milanovic et al. (2018).

"Text mining and machine learning techniques for textclassification, with application to the automaticcategorization of websites", Bianchi et al. Universit`a di Roma. (2018)

"SimilarTech: Automatically Recommend Analogical Libraries across Different Programming Languages", Chen, C., Xing, Z. School of Computer Science and Engineering Nanyang Technological University. (2016)

"Reconhecimento Facial Baseado em HOG e PCA: Uma Comparação Quanto à Invariância à Iluminação", Panceri et al. Revista Ifes Ciência, nº 1, V.1, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo. (2015)

"Representation of Web based Graphics and Equations for the Visually Impaired", Gunawardhana et al (2012). University of Motatuwa.


"Configuração de Alto Desempenho para Processamento de Vídeo em um Cluster Hadoop", Brito, O. R., Andrade, S. S. (2017). Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia.

"Artificial Art: Image Generation using Evolutionary Algorithms", Ruckert, J. (2013). Fachhochschule Dortmund.

"Reflection-basierte Genetische Programierung am Beispiel Evolutionarer Kunst", Ruckert, J. (2013). Fachhochschule Dortmund.

"Automatické Rozpoznání Gest Lidské Ruky", OLEJÁR, A. (2013). Brno University of Technology.

"Algoritma Brute Force dalam Pattern Matching pada Aplikasi Pendeteksian Potongan Citra", Wicaksana, A. P. (2013). Institut Teknologi Bandung

"Cálculo del flujo vehicular mediante segmentación de imágenes", Brenda et al. (2012). Instituto Politécnico Nacional - Escuela Superior de Cómputo.

"Boxels, Rapport de projet", Babiole, C., Gruenwald, D. (2012). Haute-École Arc.

"Automação de segurança de dispositivos wireless com detecção de movimento", Contini, D. et al. (2012). Centro Universitário Católico Salesiano Auxilium.

"Development of the Emboss Filter Plugin", Mack, C. (2011). College of Charleston.

"Hand Gesture Recognition Software", Hsieh, D. (2011). University of British Columbia.

"Desenvolvimento de um Microscópio Digital", Guerreiro, T.J. (2011). Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul.

"Sistema de conteo de pasajeros en el sistema Metrobús mediante procesamiento de imágenes", Olvera, B.X., Sánches, C.R., Trejo, M.F., Valdez, H.F.J. (2010). Escuela Superior de Cómputo.

"Uma Proposta de Análise Digital do Exercício de Agachamento", Siqueira, B.N. and Marins, M.D. (2009). Universidade Anhembi Morumbi.


Google Scholar Patents for "Marvin * Processing Framework"

º These publications are available on the Internet. If you are one of the authors and do not want the document linked here, please, contact us..