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add(int, int) - Method in class marvin.util.MarvinBoundingBox
addButtonGroup(String, String, MarvinAttributes) - Method in class marvin.gui.MarvinAttributesPanel
Add ButtonGroup
addCheckBox(String, String, String, MarvinAttributes) - Method in class marvin.gui.MarvinAttributesPanel
Add CheckBox
addChild(DecisionTreeNode) - Method in class marvin.machinelearning.decisiontree.DecisionTreeNode
addComboBox(String, String, Object[], MarvinAttributes) - Method in class marvin.gui.MarvinAttributesPanel
Add ComboBox
addEntry(MarvinPerformanceEntry) - Method in class marvin.performance.MarvinPerformanceRegistry
addEntry(MarvinBarChartEntry) - Method in class marvin.statistic.MarvinBarChart
addEntry(MarvinHistogramEntry) - Method in class marvin.statistic.MarvinHistogram
addEntry(String, MarvinImage, MarvinAttributes) - Method in class marvin.util.MarvinPluginHistory
Add a new entry to the history.
addHorizontalSlider(String, String, int, int, int, MarvinAttributes) - Method in class marvin.gui.MarvinAttributesPanel
Add HorizontalSlider
addImage(String, BufferedImage) - Method in class marvin.gui.MarvinAttributesPanel
Adds image
addLabel(String, String) - Method in class marvin.gui.MarvinAttributesPanel
Adds label
addMatrixPanel(String, String, MarvinAttributes, int, int) - Method in class marvin.gui.MarvinAttributesPanel
addPixel(int, int) - Method in class marvin.image.MarvinImageMask
Add a point to the mask.
addPoint(int, int) - Method in class marvin.image.MarvinContour
addRectRegion(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class marvin.image.MarvinImageMap
addRectRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class marvin.image.MarvinImageMask
addTextArea(String, String, int, int, MarvinAttributes) - Method in class marvin.gui.MarvinAttributesPanel
addTextField(String, String, MarvinAttributes) - Method in class marvin.gui.MarvinAttributesPanel
Adds TextField
addThreadListener(MarvinThreadListener) - Method in class marvin.thread.MarvinThread
Set a thread listener.
addTool(MarvinToolPlugin) - Method in class marvin.gui.MarvinToolPanel
addVerticalSlider(String, String, int, int, int, MarvinAttributes) - Method in class marvin.gui.MarvinAttributesPanel
Add VerticalSlider
allocColorArray() - Method in class marvin.image.MarvinImage
AllSupportedImages - Static variable in class marvin.util.MarvinFileChooser
alphaBoundary(MarvinImage, int) - Static method in class marvin.MarvinPluginCollection
Applies a gradient transparency to boundary pixels
alphaBoundary(MarvinImage, MarvinImage, int) - Static method in class marvin.MarvinPluginCollection
Applies a gradient transparency to boundary pixels
apply() - Method in class marvin.gui.MarvinFilterWindow
Apply the plug-in
applyValues() - Method in class marvin.gui.MarvinAttributesPanel
Update the attributes´ value based on the associated components.
area - Variable in class marvin.image.MarvinSegment
assertEquals(MarvinImage, MarvinImage) - Method in class marvin.test.MarvinTestCase
Check if two images are equal.
assertEquals(MarvinAttributes, MarvinAttributes) - Method in class marvin.test.MarvinTestCase
Check if two attributes are equal.
assertSimilar(MarvinImage, MarvinImage) - Method in class marvin.test.MarvinTestCase